Strona 1

Words from Test 4

Pytanie 1
1. ~with sb- to work closely with sb and exchange information with them 2. to act as a link between two or more people or groups
Pytanie 2
to state clearly and firmly that sth must be done, or how it must be done SYN; specify
Pytanie 3
in a way that is the opposite or reverse of sth
Pytanie 4
any animal that has cold blood and skin covered in scales and that lays eggs.
Pytanie 5
a situation in which a driver becomes extremely angry or violent with the driver of another car because of the way they are driving
Pytanie 6
~sth - to damage sth or make sth worse
Pytanie 7
1. to move lightly and quickly; to make sth move in this way 2. ~sth- when a bird is moving its wings- the wings move lightly and quickly up and down 3. (of a bird or an insect) to fly somewhere moving the wings quickly and lightly 4. (of your heart) to beat very quickly and not regularly NOUN 1. quick, light movement 2. A SMALL BET 3. a state of nervous or confused exccitement ....
Pytanie 8
a tropical tree that growes in mud or at the edge of rivers and has roots that are above ground

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