Pytania i odpowiedzi

Words from Test 4

Zebrane pytania i odpowiedzi do zestawu.
Ilość pytań: 32 Rozwiązywany: 1533 razy
Pytanie 1
1. ~with sb- to work closely with sb and exchange information with them 2. to act as a link between two or more people or groups
Pytanie 2
to state clearly and firmly that sth must be done, or how it must be done SYN; specify
Pytanie 3
in a way that is the opposite or reverse of sth
Pytanie 4
any animal that has cold blood and skin covered in scales and that lays eggs.
Pytanie 5
a situation in which a driver becomes extremely angry or violent with the driver of another car because of the way they are driving
road rage
Pytanie 6
~sth - to damage sth or make sth worse
Pytanie 7
1. to move lightly and quickly; to make sth move in this way 2. ~sth- when a bird is moving its wings- the wings move lightly and quickly up and down 3. (of a bird or an insect) to fly somewhere moving the wings quickly and lightly 4. (of your heart) to beat very quickly and not regularly NOUN 1. quick, light movement 2. A SMALL BET 3. a state of nervous or confused exccitement ....
Pytanie 8
a tropical tree that growes in mud or at the edge of rivers and has roots that are above ground
Pytanie 9
1. (of person's character or behaviour) strong, hard and unfriendly 2. like steel in colour
Pytanie 10
very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do SYN; keen
Pytanie 11
1. (of a person) to make a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness, suffering or sexual pleasure SYN; groan 2. to complain about sth in a way that other people find annoying SYN; grumble, whine
Pytanie 12
1. a person or thing that causes trouble or suffering 2. a whip used to punish people in the past [VERB] 1. to cause trouble or suffering to sb
Pytanie 13
1. to make sb take action by shocking them or by making them excited 2. to cover metal with zinc in order to protect it from rust
Pytanie 14
1. to defend or protect yourself from sth/sb that is attacking you SYN; fight off, ward off 2. to protect yourself from difficult questions, criticism, etc., especially by avoiding them SYN; ward off
fend sth off
Pytanie 15
1. a law or set of laws passed by a parliament 2. the process of making and passing laws
Pytanie 16
1. (technical) the place where two rivers flow together and become one 2. the fact of two or more things becoming one
Pytanie 17
until now; until the particular time you are talking about
Pytanie 18
the happy celebration of sth
Pytanie 19
1. a statue of a famous person, a saint or a god 2. a model of a person that makes them look ugly
Pytanie 20
to fill a place with too many things, so that it is untidy [Uncountable, singular] - a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not necessary or are not being used; a state of confusion SYN; mess

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