Strona 1

Common Verbs Phrases

Pytanie 1
......a pizza, a mistake, friends, a noise, the beds, a phone call
Pytanie 2
......breakfast / lunch / dinner, something in common, time (to do something), a shower, a good time, a good weekend, a rest,a meeting, a party, a sandwich, a coffe
Pytanie 3
......home, to the cinema, to bed / work / school / uniwersity, for a walk, by car / bus, shopping, sightseeing, cycling, abroad
Pytanie 4
......your money in the bank, a promise, doing something (=continue), fit, in touch
Pytanie 5
......your car to the garage, somebody to (the cinema) an exam, a photo, a bus / train / plane / taxi, medicine
Pytanie 6
......somebody (who's not there), a bus / train / plane, a lesson
Pytanie 7
......your job, your keys, a (football) match
Pytanie 8
......(somebody) for the first time, (somebody) outside the cinema, (somebody) by chance

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