Strona 1

Uzupełnienie - angielski

Pytanie 1
There are 4 _______ ______ in the solar system. (planety skaliste)
Pytanie 2
The ___ ____ on the surface of the Earth averages 101.325 kPa/kJ (ciśnienie atmosferyczne)
Pytanie 3
______ ______ are causing climate change. (gazy cieplarniane)
Pytanie 4
Paper could also be easily recycled and would considerably lift the ____ ____ burden. (gospodarka odpadami)
Pytanie 5
Electric energy can be generated in ____ ____. (elektrownia)
Pytanie 6
Over the past 250 years, _____ ______ levels have increased by 2,5%. (dwutlenek węgla)
Pytanie 7
Too little CO2 and we would _____, too much and we would "fry". (zamarzniemy)
Pytanie 8
_____ _____ come form natural sources and human activity. (gazy cieplarniane)

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