
Słowotwórstwo - Ćwiczenia z angielskiego do Matury

Test w formie fiszek test zawiera słowotwórstwo z oryginalnych arkuszy maturalnych z ostatnich kilku lat, sprawdź czy dałbyś radę;-)
Ilość pytań: 10 Rozwiązywany: 25100 razy
Each of us carries around a sort of invisible bubble of personal space wherever we go.
We think of the area inside the bubble as an (EXTEND) _________ of our physical
Anthropologists have defined the distances that we use in our everyday lives. We use
intimate distance with people who are(EMOTION) ______ very close to us.
On the other hand, we usually feel(THREAT) _________ if someone invades this
most personal area without our consent.
This explains the (COMFORT)_________
we sometimes feel when forced into crowded places like buses and lifts.
At this distance we can
keep someone at arm’s (LONG) ______. The contacts are still reasonably close, but they
are much less personal than the ones which occur a foot or so closer.
Some of the most loaded words in language are those associated with the way society
talks about itself, and especially about groups of people whom it perceives to be
less _________________ (FORTUNE) or oppressed
The most sensitive domains are to
do with gender and race. During the 1980s, an increasing number of people tried to avoid
using _________ (OFFEND) words or terms which might be treated as such.
Critics of the trend, which is often referred to as political correctness, argue that
the search for a ‘caring’ lexicon is __________ (POINT), as long as
the situation which the language reflects does not change. It is not as easy to manipulate
language as the reformers think
_________________ (SATISFACTION) with one term
tends to spread to the new word, as has been seen with such sequences as Negro, which
became black, then Afro-American, which was finally replaced by African-American.
In the early 1990s, many people reacted strongly to what they saw as a trend towards
terminological absurdity. One_________ (CRITICISE) of the practice of
political correctness is that it threatens the freedom of speech.

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