Strona 2

Bezokolicznik czy -ing cz.3

Pytanie 9
Mój samolot startuje o 7.15, co oznacza, że muszę wstać o 5
My plane takes off at 7.15, which means getting up at 5
My plane takes off at 7.15, which means to get up at 5
Pytanie 10
Mimo że była zdenerwowana, on nadal dokuczał dziewczynie
Despite her being annoyed, he went on to teas the girl
Despite her being annoyed, he went on teasing the girl
Pytanie 11
Po wykładzie studenci przeszli do dyskusji o wymienionych zagadnieniach.
After the lecture, the students went on to discuss the issues mentioned.
After the lecture, the students went on discussing the issues mentioned.
Pytanie 12
Podeszła pospiesznie do dzieci
She came hurrying towards the children
She came to hurry towards the children
Pytanie 13
Po wielu latach wspólnej pracy zacząłem doceniać jej uczciwość i niezawodność
After many years of working together, I came to appreciate her honesty and reliability
After many years of working together, I came appreciating her honesty and reliability
Pytanie 14
W przeciwieństwie do mnie moja siostra lubi wstawać rano
Unlike me, my sister likes to get up early
Unlike me, my sister likes getting up early
Pytanie 15
Lekarz doradził rzucenie palenia.
The doctor advised quitting smoking
The doctor advised to quit smoking
Pytanie 16
Zakazałam mojemu synowi chodzić do tego parku.
I forbid my son to go to this park
I forbid my son going to this park

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