
Bezokolicznik czy -ing cz.3

Test w formie fiszek
Ilość pytań: 20 Rozwiązywany: 1411 razy
Sue twierdzi, że nie pamięta, żeby z nim rozmawiała.
Sue claims that she did not remember to talk to him
Sue claims that she doesn’t remember talking to him
Sue claims that she doesn’t remember talking to him
Kathy żałuje, że powiedziała Mike’owi swój sekret
Kathy regrets to tell Mike her secret
Kathy regrets telling Mike her secret
Kathy regrets telling Mike her secret
Przykro mi powiedzieć, że nie wolno ci zostać tu dłużej
I regret to tell you that you may not stay here any longer
I regret telling you that you may not stay here any longer
I regret to tell you that you may not stay here any longer
Sue twierdzi, że nie pamiętała o tym, żeby z nim porozmawiać
Sue claims that she did not remember to talk to him
Sue claims that she doesn’t remember talking to him
Sue claims that she did not remember to talk to him
Henry przestał palić wiele lat temu
Henry stopped smoking many years ago
Henry stopped to smoke many years ago
Henry stopped smoking many years ago
Jonathan zatrzymał się, żeby zapalić papierosa na ulicy.
Jonathan stopped smoking a cigarette in the street
Jonathan stopped to smoke a cigarette in the street
Jonathan stopped to smoke a cigarette in the street
W pokoju było bardzo gorąco, więc otworzyłem okno
It was very hot in the room, so I tried to open the window
It was very hot in the room, so I tried opening the window
It was very hot in the room, so I tried opening the window
Próbowałem przebrnąć przez tę książkę, ale okazała się zbyt trudna
I tried to wade through this book but it turned out too difficult
I tried wading through this book but it turned out too difficult
I tried to wade through this book but it turned out too difficult
Mój samolot startuje o 7.15, co oznacza, że muszę wstać o 5
My plane takes off at 7.15, which means to get up at 5
My plane takes off at 7.15, which means getting up at 5
My plane takes off at 7.15, which means getting up at 5
Mimo że była zdenerwowana, on nadal dokuczał dziewczynie
Despite her being annoyed, he went on to teas the girl
Despite her being annoyed, he went on teasing the girl
Despite her being annoyed, he went on teasing the girl
Po wykładzie studenci przeszli do dyskusji o wymienionych zagadnieniach.
After the lecture, the students went on discussing the issues mentioned.
After the lecture, the students went on to discuss the issues mentioned.
After the lecture, the students went on to discuss the issues mentioned.
Podeszła pospiesznie do dzieci
She came hurrying towards the children
She came to hurry towards the children
She came hurrying towards the children
Po wielu latach wspólnej pracy zacząłem doceniać jej uczciwość i niezawodność
After many years of working together, I came to appreciate her honesty and reliability
After many years of working together, I came appreciating her honesty and reliability
After many years of working together, I came to appreciate her honesty and reliability
W przeciwieństwie do mnie moja siostra lubi wstawać rano
Unlike me, my sister likes getting up early
Unlike me, my sister likes to get up early
Unlike me, my sister likes getting up early
Lekarz doradził rzucenie palenia.
The doctor advised quitting smoking
The doctor advised to quit smoking
The doctor advised quitting smoking
Zakazałam mojemu synowi chodzić do tego parku.
I forbid my son going to this park
I forbid my son to go to this park
I forbid my son to go to this park
Nie pozwalaj jej wracać do domu tak późno w nocy
Don’t allow her coming home that late at night
Don’t allow her to come home that late at night
Don’t allow her to come home that late at night
Gdybym był na twoim miejscu, poprosiłbym ją o autograf
If I were you, I would ask her to give you an autograph
If I were you, I would ask her giving you an autograph
If I were you, I would ask her to give you an autograph
Oczekuję od ciebie, że będziesz tutaj codziennie o ósmej rano
I expect you being here every day at eight am
I expect you to be here every day at eight am
I expect you to be here every day at eight am
Zmuszę ją, aby uczyła się więcej i poszła na te egzamin
I will force her studying more and sit this exam
I will force her to study more and sit this exam
I will force her to study more and sit this exam

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