Pytania i odpowiedzi


Zebrane pytania i odpowiedzi do zestawu.
Ilość pytań: 25 Rozwiązywany: 764 razy
Pytanie 1
Simplex method has two phases on which adequately
basic feasible solution is provided and then adjusted according to constraints
Pytanie 2
Is it possible to ambiguously identify the second-order inertial system based only on the information about first maximum of step response
Pytanie 3
First row of Sobel operator
[-1 0 1]
Pytanie 4
A frequency response function is
a special case of the transfer function
Pytanie 5
Constraint variation method is based on
Evaluation of some variables using equality constraints
Pytanie 6
Expected value is
A sum of the products of the implementation of the random variable and probability of
Pytanie 7
Correlation analysis is
Non-parametric method
Pytanie 8
Wavelet transform is
representation of the signal in time-frequency domain
Pytanie 9
What is reversed model?
It is when models input is the output of the modeled object
Pytanie 10
Estimator is effective if
it has the smallest variance of all unweighted estimators of the parameters tested
Pytanie 11
Second order moment of analyzed object
returns orientation of an object
Pytanie 12
Results of square root function
to brighten an image
Pytanie 13
Which one from below is the correct order of identification process?
modeling, experiment, estimation, verification
Pytanie 14
Order of the Finite Impulse Response is equivalent to
number of filter coefficient
Pytanie 15
Filters with finite impulse response
linearly change the phase of the signal
Pytanie 16
For a second-order inertial system, the overshoot is a function of
damping ratio
Pytanie 17
Image equalization
non-linear mapping which reassigns the intensity values of pixels in the input image such that the output image contains a uniform distribution of intensities
Pytanie 18
Image binearization
converts a greyscale image into a binary image (pixels values are either 1 or 0)
Pytanie 19
Saddle point is a point where function f(x,y)
partial derrivatives are the same
Pytanie 20
covariation is
a measure of dependence between two random variable
Pytanie 21
Representation of the dirac function in frequency domain is
horizontal line
Pytanie 22
Vibrations tends to occur in case of systems working as
Pytanie 23
In the signal quantization process it is important that
the quantization level was matched to the signal amplitude range
Pytanie 24
The jitter phenomenon occurs when
samples are not collected at ideally the same intervals
Pytanie 25
The signal is
carrier of the information

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